Dr. Roberto Mantovani
Academic Background |
1986 |
Degree on physics at Modena University; dissertation title, "Giovanni Battista Amici and the progress of microscopy". |
1987 |
Joined to the C.N.R.'s National Group of Physics History (still member). |
1987-88 |
Lecturer on "History of Physics" at Bologna University in a Course for "Cultural operators" specialised in museum activities. |
1987; 1988; 1989 |
Collaboration with the Institute of Physics and Bio-engineering (now Institute of Physics) of Urbino University in the field of industrial automation and applied research. |
1988-89; 1989-90; 1990-91; 1992-93 |
Teaching on "Experimental Physics I" in the Faculty of Geology at Urbino University. |
1989; 1990; 1991; 1993; 1994; 1995; 1996 |
Joined with the National Institute of Nuclear Physics for the realization of the LVD (Large Volume Detector) experiment performed at the National Laboratories in "Gran Sasso". |
1989-90; 1990-91; 1992-93; 1993-94; 1994-95; 1995-96; 1996-97; 1997-98 |
Teaching on "Laboratory Physics" in a Special School for Technicians of Biomedical Laboratory Analysis (this year transformed in short degree course) of Urbino University. |
1991; 1993; 1996 |
Teaching on "History of scientific instruments in the 18th and 19th centuries" for a postgraduate specialization course in "Cataloguing and restoration techiques of technical equipment of the XVIII and XIX centuries" held at Urbino University. |
1991-92 |
Academic Visitor in the Dip. of History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge University (U.K.). |
1992-93; 1993-94 |
Teaching on "logical and mathematical education" for a polivalent two year course organized by the Italian Ministry of Public Education. |
1997 |
Visiting Scholar in the Dibner Institute for the History of Science, MIT (Cambridge), USA. |
2001 |
Researcher at the "Gabinetto di Fisica" of Urbino University |